The Social Service Department is concerned with the assessment and management of social, financial and emotional factors that affect or are affected by the patient’s illness. It contributes to the acceptance of illness by both the patient and his family. It utilizes existing resources under the effective social policy as well as the community supportive network towards the patient’s recovery and social rehabilitation.

The Social Service Department is pervaded by ethics and values deriving from the social work discipline, namely the value of self-determination, respect and advocacy for patients’ rights, equal treatment, confidentiality.


In particular, the Social Service provides the following services:



Assessment and evaluation of the special emotional, psychological and social problems of those who contact or are referred to the hospital social services due to their physical or mental breakdown in order to facilitate the social and psychological development of the patients.



Information, guiding and mobilization of the service users regarding welfare and social security provisions (booklet issuing for the uninsured, Healthvoucher card, Centres for the Certification of Impairment), disability benefits or pensions, Judicial Support, Political Asylum card, disability cards and other special programmes).


Participation in the multi-disciplinary team

The social worker participates in the therapeutic team (doctor, nurse and other specialties) and develops every action needed towards the achievement of the mutual aim, that is treatment and care for the maintenance of health.

She contributes to the patient’s assessment and treatment including information about the patient’s personality, his social environment, living conditions, and family relations.

Moreover the social worker collects any personal, family and social data that is required towards a more effective and individualized patient’s treatment. During collaboration with the patient and his family he keeps being updated and then updates the multi-disciplinary team regarding the patient’s development.


Post-hospital Rehabilitation:

The social worker prepares the patient and his environment for his comeback and adaptation to his environment. If reintegration is not possible, the social worker cares for his rehabilitation within a new environment or his referral to other services.

She also refers aged people or people with disabilities to appropriate services such as       

§  nursing homes

§  chronic illness clinics

§  hostels for the homeless

§  rehabilitation centres,

§  care centers for the elderly supervised by the Perfecture.



All necessary action is undertaken by the social services in order for service users to be referred to:

§  Shelters for the Homeless

§  Psychiatric shelters

§  Assisted Living Homes

§  Shelters for abused women

§  Rehabilitation programmes

§  Embassies and International organizations

§  Inclusion in Programmes (Assistance at Home etc)

§  Local actions for the Integration of Vulnerable Groups (Social Pharmacies, Social Groceries etc)


Long-term care for chronic lonely people, vulnerable groups (quadriplegic, psychiatric patients, patients living with cancer etc) The social worker assists patients who are unable to meet urgent basic needs,  such  as medical equipment.



Support-Counselling to hospital employees, who are either reffered by their supervisors or come themselves to the service to assist in their personal affairs.




Management  of volunteer groups or offers towards meeting the needs of hospital patients.



The social services department addresses the needs of patients or their relatives who:

§  lack supporting network

§  lack social security

§  are homeless

§  face financial hurdles

§  patients-unidentified corpses

§  drownings

§  suffer from severe or chronic health problem

§  are in need of post-hospital care

§  are refugees, immigrants or of other ethnic origin

§  have attempted suicide

§  are in grief

§  are substance users

§  face mental health problems

§  hospital employees




Social workers are concerned with external or internal patients that are:

- referred by the medical staff of the hospital

- initiate contact with the social services

- detected by social workers or are referred by other social services.



Monday to Friday 07.00 am – 15.00pm